Loitering is defined when an individual stands/sits/wanders idly around a property without any real purpose. From a technical, legal perspective, loitering laws vary by state (or most often by locality). Some jurisdictions authorize the police to disperse crowds that are deemed suspicious or dangerous.
Loitering is generally viewed as a subjective act because, in and of itself, most loitering ordinances do not typically consider the act of loitering to rise to the level of a crime. This depends on the jurisdiction’s legislation. However, loitering is often associated with a variety of illegal actions.
Loitering is generally something that is viewed as unfavorable and may even potentially scare off new residents before these potential renters even have a chance to see the investment property's interior. Loitering is often connected to an area's homelessness, which makes the management of a loitering issue a rather delicate subject – one in which an investment property owner or manager must approach safely and with care and concern.
How can you safely address this problem of loitering or discourage transient individuals from hanging out near an investment property?
Let's take a brief look at some affordable and reasonable techniques to deter or dissuade transients from loitering or trespassing about and around your investment property - where these individuals have no reason to be.
Transients and loiterers often become squatters – an individual who utilizes real property without the legal property owner's permission or their own ownership in the property, which would allow them to do so.
Property owners & property managers are tasked with the responsibility of diligently ensuring an investment property does not become a home base for a trespassing transient. As such, one can choose to proactively reduce the likelihood that a squatter takes up residence in your investment property by following these suggestions.
First, if an investment rental property is currently vacant, it's critical to maintain the property as if someone was living there – avoiding what are obvious signs of a vacant unit. A transient, on the prowl for a place to squat, will generally look for the following signs of vacancy:
Property managers must remain vigilant with regard to any trespassers, transients, or squatters impacting the property for which they are responsible. As noted above, there are many affordable, proactive measures to take to keep your property secure and help deter loiterers and squatters from devaluing the property you own or manage.